Our Young Project Managers Are Rocking!

I have always believed in decentralizing responsibilities.  You have got to promote young talent. There is always an inherent risk of sharing too much information but in these four years, I have never felt that not sharing business information to hurt my business.

On the contrary, I am proud that there are young talented individual who have taken journey of their own in starting their own companies that do not compete with my business. Awesome! I wish I had this luxury in my early days.

I do speak regularly at enterpreneur events and I always say – “Work with a tough manager who wants to get the best out of you. But if you have sheer intention of learning, you will learn a lot in very few years”.

Like most people, I got into pre-sales activities in large companies after I got 7 to 8 years experience. Till then, I had no clue what the sales cycle looks like. Being a techi, sales was like jibbi-jabbish to me mostly because no one took interest in sharing it with me.

We have two rockstars and new PM’s in Gloscon. Ujval and Kuldip. They have slowly been transitioning to be involved right from front i.e bidding, budgeting, writing contracts, signing contracts, executing projects, sending invoices and collections. And their performance has been rocking!

This is for the first time in last 6 months that there is no escalation received. Our sales numbers are great and our execution has been flawless.  With this, my trust in these superstars have increased. I have also given them free leeway in hiring, filling positions, etc.

Would love to sponsor their PM certification if they are ready!

My suggestion to other startups is – create leaders for next generation. Give them responsibilities. Give them profit sharing, give them control. There is risk in this for the company as competitors may take them away but the satisfaction of sharing knowledge and attempt to create next generation leaders is far more rewarding personally.

Go leaders go!  We probably have one of the highest productivity rate.

Let me go back and create more leaders!