Drupal And Twitter Integration Using OAuth

From 31st August twitter Basic Auth has been deprecated (http://dev.twitter.com/announcements) , In many of our products we are posting dynamic content into twitter using drupal’s twitter module.

We have followed following steps to make it works using oAuth module.

  1. Uninstall twitter module and replace your twitter module with 3.0-beta2 version.
  2. Apply http://drupal.org/files/issues/twitter_actions_2.diff patch to twitter_actions.module
  3. Add oAuth module version 2.02
  4. Do oAuth settings (admin/settings/oauth) select RSA-SHA1 and save.
  5. Register your application with twitter (https://twitter.com/apps/new) (please select ‘Read & Write’ mode and provide callback url which is available in your twitter settings page at admin/settings/twitter
  6. Save Consumer key and Consumer secret at Twitter module settings page (admin/settings/twitter)
  7. Setup your twitter account at (user/*/edit/twitter) and make it global if you want to use it globally.
  8. Now you can set rules or you can use twitter post module to post content in twitter.

Hope this information will help many people who are using twitter & twitter actions module for posting content in twitter.

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