DrupalIndia.In – Indian Drupal Community Portal Launched

After a successful DrupalCamp, many of us at the camp wanted to see that the momentum should continue and Indian Drupal Community should have its separate presence.

I had promised to the student community who attended the Drupal Camp in Ahmedabad, that my team will spend few hours to put up a site to that effect and we are pleased to get the initial version up and running now. The site can be reached at the url http://www.drupalindia.in

Our goal is to showcase Indian sites on this forum, drive international outsourcing opportunities and job postings to Indian Drupal site and have consistent policies for content publishing, comments and spread good community behaviour in India.

We will also encourage others to announce their local Drupal events on this site. We will continue to improve the site with Indian Drupal  community feedback.

Gloscon team also recently pledged to support future Drupal Camp Infrastructure hosting by duplicating http://drupalcamp08.drupalindia.in framework and making it avaialble for future events across India.

I am also happy to publish the financial information on our last Drupal Camp event held at Ahmedabad. This can be accessed via – http://drupalcamp08.drupalindia.in/blog/financial-overview-drupal-camp. We did not find any format for the same on Drupal Association website for their events so had to come up with this one. This may have some glitches or flaws but We will continue to work with future event organizers in India to bring further transparency in event management.

Our team will initially identify prominent Drupal Sites in India and add them in showcase forum.  This activitly is likely to be completed by 1st week of October 2008.

I am very excited to launch this and hopefully Drupal India new website will become the new home of Indian Drupal Community.